Fungal nail treatment is not hard to get but there are some important considerations that should be taken into account. The most important thing is to make sure that the condition has not been cured already. Fungal nail infections may cause pain and may cause permanent damage if they are left untreated.
The infected toenails will usually start off by callingus and finishing off the periungual fold. The first step in treating fungal nail treatment will be treating the nails at an early stage. A simple nail brush will be used to clean the nails and to prepare it for the final stage of treatment. 3 weeks prior to treating the infected toes, a neutralizing solution will be applied on them. This will help in killing the spores present in the nails as well as neutralizing the acidic environment. A solution of mouthwash will also be applied.
The next step in the best fungal nail treatment is washing the feet properly. Wearing shoes and socks that allow your feet to breathe and dry will help in reducing moisture on your skin and nail beds. Your feet will need to be given lots of ventilation. For this purpose, you can use cotton socks or cotton gloves. Make sure that your shoes are dry before putting them on.
The fungal nail treatment that is most commonly advised by doctors is the use of a Scholl’s remedy. A Scholl’s suppository is inserted into the vagina for about 15 minutes. It is best to use Scholl’s suppositories rather than condoms because the former contain only water. However, the Scholl’s suppository does have its disadvantages as well. It may not be as effective as a cream or a powder that is applied topically.
There are also oral antifungal treatments available for this type of infection. An oral antifungal cream or lotion containing 1% of clotrimazole may be sufficient to treat most women who are infected. Some health care providers recommend the use of antibiotics in some cases, especially if the infection has become chronic or if the fungal nail treatment has not worked.
The best way to prevent spreading is not to keep your nails covered when at all possible. Although it is more convenient to always wear shoes and socks, it is not advisable to wear tight shoes that could cause a potential breeding ground for fungi. It is equally important to always clean up dead skin cells and cut off excess nail growth as soon as possible. New nails should be kept clean and dry until they are completely infected. As a result of careful prevention and new nail care, people who suffer from this condition can often lead normal lives free from the embarrassment and pain of nail fungus.